How to test accessability to Amazon Q

Andreas Voigt April 7, 2024

I successfully connected JIRA Software to Amazon Q by creating a new user and adding the API token to the Amazon system.
However, Amazon Q seems not to be able to render the content from JIRA. I added all possible information sources (comments, titles etc. in Amazon Q).

Any ideas how to test in Amazon Q if content of JIRA is accessable?

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Jehan Bhathena
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April 7, 2024

Hi @Andreas Voigt 

I haven't tested this connection personally but I remember one use where Amazon Q creates a Jira Ticket on your behalf.

What you can tryin the Amazon Q interaction :

* Create a Jira Ticket

* Ask about information from a previous ticket

I'm assuming you're using your own users API token? If not then you might want to test the other users permissions too about if they have relevant access to the info needed.

Andreas Voigt April 7, 2024

Hi @Jehan Bhathena   

Thank you for your reply. I want to test whether I can access the content of the JIRA boards. E.g. comments, issues, names of epics, etc.  

Andreas Voigt April 7, 2024

Usually I would expect to ask Amazon about the content, but while trying, I did not get a sensible, meaningful, answer,  

Jehan Bhathena
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 8, 2024


I would agree to that.

I think the best way to make this better would be to give a thumbs down to irrelevant answers on the Amazon Q reply to train it better.


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