How to setup issues creation via e-mail without POP or IMAP.

Lee Buskey
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August 12, 2011


The documentation for setting up JIRA to create issue based on email states" This mail box should be accessible via POP, IMAP, or on the local file system." We are not permitted to use POP or IMAP. I am using a simple IIS SMTP service for receiving the mail, which just dumps mail in a directory. This should work for me, but I need to know how to set it up without POP or IMAP. There are examples for each, but no examples for when you just want JIRA to look in a folder on the server for e-mails. Can someone help?

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August 12, 2011

Hi Lee,

Please see the 'File Service' as described here:


Just use that service when creating the mail handler rather than one for POP or IMAP.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Be well,

Jason Hammons

Atlassian - San Francisco

Lee Buskey
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August 12, 2011

Thanks! I'll give that a try. I still have some work to do to get the mail plopped down on the JIRA server, but this is what I needed to know.. Thanks again..

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 12, 2011

That's not quite true - you aren't using SMTP to receive the mail, you're using it to deliver the mail to a set of files. You'll never get Jira to work with receiving via SMTP because SMTP is a delivery protocol only. It cannot pull messages from a remote server.

However, that is me being fussy about terms - the important point is you've got your mails as files on the disk (again, to be pedantic, that's not quite a "mailbox", because you can't pull mail from it without setting up IMAP or POP to read it and serve it up). To quote (badly) the documents, "Jira can create issues from emails located in an IMAP, POP or local filesystem location". I assume that the files you're getting are on the Jira server?

Problem is, although the documents say "filesystem", I can't actually find anything on how to set it up. I know it's possible, but I have no memory of how I did it and I can't remember where it was discussed on the old forum either.

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