How to search for issues using JQL query based on a keyword in Epic Link

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March 4, 2020

I have issues in Jira with an Epic Link called "XYZ :: Continuous Delivery", across multiple projects. The XYZ is one word that is different in the Epic Link in every project. For me, to be able to report on all such issues (together, all projects combined) on a Jira dashboard using Rich Filter Gadgets, and as one metric, how do I write the JQL query for it in the Smart Filters section? I have tried using below scripts but it isn't working. The operator '~' is not supported by the 'Epic Link' field. I am unaware of the operators supported by the 'Epic Link' field. Thank you in advance for your support!

"Epic Link" ~ "Continuous"

"Epic Link" ~ "Continuous Delivery"

"Epic Link" ~ "Continuous*"

"Epic Link" ~ "Continuous*"

"Epic Link" CONTAINS "Continuous*"

"Epic Link" CONTAINS "Continuous Delivery"

":: Continuous Delivery" IS "Epic Link"

":: Continuous Delivery" WAS "Epic Link"

"Continuous Delivery" IS "Epic Link"

"Continuous Delivery" WAS "Epic Link"

"Continuous Delivery" ~ "cf[12940]"   ----> cf[12940] is Jira value of the field "Epic Link"


I have referred to the below documentation:

2 answers

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Muhammad Ramzan_Atlassian Certified Master_
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March 5, 2020

EPIC link us used for epic issue id, in your case you need to search by epic name not by epic link.

if you just want to search epics you can use following query

"Epic Name" ~ Continuous


Now it looks like you want to search issues in epic "continuous delivery"  in this case you need to use a third party plugin like  JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports


Please install the plugin " JQL Search Extensions for Jira & reports" and then execute following query. It will return all issues part of the epic name "continous"

issue in allIssuesInEpic("'Epic Name'~ 'Continuous'")


Jack Nolddor [Sweet Bananas]
Marketplace Partner
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March 5, 2020

This wil retrieve Epics having Continuous on their name, but AD is asking for a way to retrieve issues within those Epics.

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Jack Nolddor [Sweet Bananas]
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 5, 2020

Hi AD,

Sadly you cannot achieve the desired search using standard features on Jira since ~ operator cannot be used with the Epic Link field, you must go for a third-party app instead. Using i.e. JQL Booster Pack you can type the following:


issue IN issuesInEpics('"Epic Name" ~ "Continuous Delivery"')



Hope this helps you to create awesome queries <3
Kind regards

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