How to roll up Tasks and Stories to another Story

Ben Falcone
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August 16, 2023

I have created a project plan in Jira and I am trying to roll up User Stories and Tasks to a User story that we have as a "feature" that is tied to an Epic. For this particular team, they like to split out Dev work and Testing Work into 2 separate things. But Since Jira does not have a "feature" I can't get the view to roll up like below. They just stay under the Story that I have designated to be a feature.  The Heiarhcy would be below:

  1. Epic 
    1. Story - Feature
      1. Tech Task
      2. Testing Story to the Task
      3. E2E testing story 

2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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August 17, 2023

Hello @Ben Falcone 

The default issue hierarchy in Jira is 

|-- standard issue types like Story and Task
|-- subtasks


With the Premium subscription it is possible to extend the issue hierarchy upwards above the Epic level, but you can't insert levels between Epic and standard issues.

You could change the name of the Epic issue type to "Feature", and create another issue type named Epic (for clarity I'm going to call that NewEpic) and add it above the current Epic/Feature issue type in the Issue Type Hierarchy settings.

You can visualize the hierarchical relationship between the issues only in an Advanced Roadmaps Plan. You won't see the hierarchy of your NewEpic issue type above the Feature (original Epic type) issue type in your boards.

The creation of new issue types, renaming of the Epic issue type, and extension of the issue type hierarchy are things that can be done only by a Jira Administrator.

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Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
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August 20, 2023

Hi @Ben Falcone

just to add to Trudy's great answer: The only way to model any hierarchy of issues in Jira is through issue links; an issue link - e.g., of issue link type "is parent of / is children of" - can connect any pair of issues, regardless of their issue type.

However, since an issue link can not only connect any pair of issues, but also depict any kind of relationship (like "is blocker for", "is duplicate of", etc. etc.), Jira doesn't recognise issue links as "hierarchical" relationships - so you wouldn't get roll ups. 

This being said, if you are open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, there are tools that can help with this; just for reference, this is how this would look in the app that my team and I are working on, JXL for Jira:


(Note how in the above hierarchy, stories/bugs/tasks are shown as children of other stories/bugs/tasks - which wouldn't be possible in Jira's "regular" hierarchy.)

Any further questions just let me know,



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