How to remove deleted values from the dropdown list in a labels field?

Ivan Monma June 16, 2024

I created a labels field in Jira. Some values were added to this field but were later deleted. However, these deleted values still appear in the dropdown list when users try to fill in the field. I want to remove these non-existent values from the list. Is this possible? How can I achieve this?


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June 16, 2024

Hi @Ivan Monma Did you follow the below method to delete the Labels in Jira?

As there is no easy from UI to delete the Labels the only way is to bulk remove those Labels from all the issues.

If you followed the same method then It is also mentioned that after removing the Labels they will may appear in the browser search and indexing may fix it, In jira cloud there is no option for indexing to end user so you force the indexing by changing the field related details or check with Atlassian for the same.

Ivan Monma June 18, 2024

It worked, thank you!

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