How to refresh screen without F5 after automation executed

Karthick Mohanram
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June 4, 2020

I have an automation that updates description when a dropdown values changed as shown below. The automation works except that you cannot see the updated description field's value unless you refresh the whole browser window. Is there anyway we can refresh the screen automatically? How can we expect the end user to refresh the screen each time the automation executed? This breaks the purpose of automation.



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Bill Sheboy
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June 25, 2020

Hi @Karthick Mohanram -- Welcome to the Atlassian community!

There is already a backlog item for Code Barrel folks (now part of Atlassian) to add this.  You can see it here.  Looks like the last update to the backlog item was about a year ago.

Best regards,


John Funk
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June 25, 2020

It also looks like they have done all that they are going to do with this. Basically, they are giving a message that you might want to refresh as something was updated. But they don't want to implement an auto-refresh as it might drop other editing the user has started. 

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