How to query issues closed at creation (from post function) November 7, 2018

Hello guys! Please note i am very green in JQL queries and been looking for an answer to this for a while.  I have added a post function in the workflow at creation, with transition to "Resolved" when "issue resolved at first call" (custom field) is "yes".  Now I want to query those issues that were resolved at first call.  I tried variations of something like: createddate <= resolveddate.  Cant get it to return anything.  Please help :/

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Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018


I'd suggest this JQL clause to identify issues moved from say 'To Do' to 'Resolved' or whatever fits your workflow


status CHANGED FROM "To Do" TO "Resolved" November 7, 2018

seems simple but since the post function is at creation, no status has been set yet.

so: from ? to "Completed"

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018

Are you looking to access the value of “issue resolved at first call” in the post function. I read your question as a query issue at first. I’ll post something when I get back to my desk

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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November 7, 2018

Hi, what tools are you using for your post function? Is this server or cloud? My expertise is almost entirely based on server installs. November 7, 2018

using Cloud.  I found a work around.  I'll just set a transition (named FCR) from created to close status, with condition "Resolved" if "issue resolved at first call" (custom field) = "yes".  It'll do for issues created from now on.  I'll figure a Bulk change for past issues.


Thanks for your assistance ;)


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