How to modify new Jira Screens to remove the Reporter Field

Joseph Sulewski October 30, 2020


I'm using the new JIRA Screen layout and the simplified SCRUM workflow with JIRA cloud. I want to remove the reporter field from the new Bug screen and I have followed the documentation and tutorials to the best of my ability.  However, no matter what I try the create bug screen doesn't change to my modified screen?

Am I hitting a roadblock because I'm using the new JIRA screens or the simplified workflow? 

In case anyone is curious, I want to remove the Reporter field because we are using Coverity want to push issues to JIRA but there is a bug in their JIRA integration with the reporter field.

Here are the steps I followed:

  1. I created a screen called "Bug Create" that didn't have the reporter field
  2. I created a screen scheme called "Bug Create" and associated the Create Issue operation to the new "Bug Create" screen
  3. I also modified the "Default Screen Scheme" and associated the Create Issue with the "Create Bug" screen
  4. I modified the Default Issue Type Screen Scheme and associated the "Bug" issue type with the "Bug Create" screen scheme

Any help or pointers would be appreciated, thanks.





2 answers

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John Funk
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October 30, 2020

Hi Joseph - The Reporter field is a required field that cannot be overridden. So it will have to be on all Create screens. 

Joseph Sulewski November 2, 2020


Thank you for taking the time to answer.  When I create or modify a screen in the settings->issues->screens section it allows you to remove the field.  Why does it allow you to remove it if the field must exist?



John Funk
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November 2, 2020

I don't know why it allows that, but it doesn't change the fact that the Reporter must be entered to create the issue. It has to be on the Create Screen. 

John Funk
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November 2, 2020

You can remove the field from the Edit screen if you like. But you have to have a value for the field to create it. 

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Flavien Gache
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October 30, 2020

You have some ways to achieve what you want.

1/ You hide it with a Configuration field. Click on the configuration field of your project, edit and then go to the field Reporter and click on Hide on the right of your screen.

2/ If you have a classic project, you click on a ticket, you click on configure on the bottom right hand corner, and on the screen that opens you drag the field Reporter and you drop it on the right of the screen.

3/ If you have a next gen project it is pretty much the same, except that when on a ticket, you click on the "..." on the top right hand corner of the ticket and Configure and then on the new screen you drag the field Reporter and you drop it on the right of the screen.


Let us now if you need help. Don't hesitate to provide screenschots ;)

Joseph Sulewski November 2, 2020


Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm trying to remove the field, not hide it which is according to John's answer below I can't do that.



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