How to make the jira text editor the same for creating and editing tickets?

Peter Wilding April 15, 2020

I'm using Jira Cloud and trying to paste a Confluence table into a ticket's Description field in order to provide an initial start on the content.  If I do this paste process for an existing ticket, it works perfectly - the table goes right into the Description field as expected. If I do this when creating a new ticket, the paste doesn't work. Instead, when on the ticket creation screen, I need to use wiki markup to put in a table.  The Field Configuration is set to have the Description field use the 'Wiki Style Renderer'.

Is there a setting somewhere that associates contexts (Create, Edit, View) with renderers for a particular field in a particular project?  I haven't changed any renderer settings ever, but I'm thinking that maybe this is the issue. Is there any other reason for Jira to be using one renderer during Create and another during Edit?

And here are screenshots of the Editor toolbars when creating and editing tickets.  They are visually different!

The toolbar for the Description field on the Edit screen looks like this:AllowsTablePaste.jpg

This version of the editor allows tables to be pasted directly from Confluence into the Jira description.

While the toolbar for the same field on the Create screen looks like this:


This version of the editor only accepts markup for tables.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Bill Sheboy
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April 15, 2020

Hi @Peter Wilding 

I do not know how to solve this issue (without marketplace add-ons), but I found this open "suggestion" on the editor differences.  Note that other people have submitted this as a defect rather than a change idea.

Best regards,


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Peter Wilding April 17, 2020

Thanks bill. looks like this is a known issue unfortunately.

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