How to maintain the same priorities in backog in multiple boards under one project?

Donata May 31, 2020



First of all, I completely understand if my question and/or solution I am aiming to solve is/are not logical.

The problem I faced: we have the main Product Board where Product team prioritizes the backlog and each ticket order.  Yet, if I create another board, same type (Kanban), only slightly different JQL filter (reason for this board is that another team could focus on their tasks), prioritization of issues is different than from Product Boar. Is there any configuration where I can make sure that issues priorities remain the same (board agnostic) on different boards on the same project?



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John Funk
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June 1, 2020

Hi Donata,

How boards prioritize issues is very complicated and always seem to be a mystery to me. There seems to be some type of correlation as to when the card comes onto a board. But if you manually change the prioritization of an issue on one board, it absolutely will not change it on another board using rank. 

Bottom line is that I don't think you are going to be able to keep them in sync unless you actually add an Order By to the filter on each board that uses the same field (and not rank). But then you lose the ability to drag issues to re-prioritize them. 

Donata June 1, 2020

Hey John,


Thank you for your answer. I agree with you and should rather focus on one Board. Jira is perfectly aligned with Agile practices and I should not create some anti-patterns :) 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 1, 2020

Under the hood, the "global rank" field does maintain a single prioritised list.  If you had a board for that had a filter of "every issue", you'd see the backlog in there matches the ranks you see in other board backlogs (assuming they're all using "order by rank")

But boards have functions that override bits of it for assorted display reasons.  I'd be interested in comparing boards that are a bit different - do they have different columns, swimlanes and what are their main board filters?

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