How to list the fields we can import via the JSON importing tool ?

Pong - Phongsathorn Eakamongul
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November 6, 2018

From the users specific JSON file examples ( ), we know that we can import some fields.

For example, 

"users": [ 
    "name" : "someuser",
    "groups" : [ "jira-users", "my-custom-group" ],
    "active" : true,
    "email" : "",
    "fullname" : "User 1"


Is it possible to list out all the fields that we can put into the JSON file to import to JIRA system ?



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Tom Lister
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November 7, 2018

Hi @Pong - Phongsathorn Eakamongul

I've found the quickest way to get a picture of the JSON structure is to retrieve an issue via REST as an example e.g.


The customerfield_????? reference numbers can be obtained from the

SELECT * FROM jiradb.customfield;

ID field


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