How to know the structure of a customfield?

Henrique Silva
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May 24, 2023

I've been trying to create a script in Python that bulk creates issues based on some data given to it. Biggest problem i've ran into during development is how to structure things in the "issueUpdates"->"fields".

What i mean by that is i don't know how to structure the customfields content to be able to successfully run the request.


The createmetadata request returned a lot of info on the customfields and i want to use this one to set the approvers for this issue, the schema says it's type is an array and the items inside this array are users.

Based on this information i tried to build the structure like this:


But when i run the script it tells me it expects an object, so is there a way for me to know how to structure the above field when sending the payload to the request?

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