How to inherit a custom filed from an issue higher than an epic to a standard issue type

Ran Wronsky April 2, 2024


In my system, we have another level on top of an epic which is a milestone.

Upon a date change for a custom date field in the milestone, I would like to update the same field on an issue which is the "grandchild" of the milestone.

Meaning Milestone -> Epic - > Request (Standard issue type in the hierarchy). Each of these are linked as child/parent.

It seems as if I need to use 2 level of branching in the automation which is not supported.

I'd appreciate any leads you may have to address this.


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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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April 2, 2024

Hi @Ran Wronsky 

There are several ways to solve this...

If you have any of the marketplace addons for JQL, you may be able to find the issue in one step, and then branch to the Request.

If not, another way is to use Lookup Issues to find the Epic and then JQL to branch to its child issues.  Assuming there are one or more Epics, this would find all of their Requests.

  • trigger: your field changes
  • condition: issue type is Milestone
  • action: lookup issues with JQL of parent = {{issue.key}} AND issuetype = Epic
  • smart value condition:
    • first value: {{lookupIssues.size|0}}
    • condition: greater than
    • second value: 0
  • branch: on JQL of parent IN ( {{lookupIssues.key.join(", ")}} ) AND issuetype = Request
    • action: edit the field, copying the value from the trigger issue

Kind regards,

Ran Wronsky April 2, 2024

@Bill Sheboy Thank you so much!!!

You are a ⭐️. that worked like magic

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