How to import using csv that are exported from another jira?

Anthony Kong September 13, 2011

I export a list of jira for a project from another jira instance and save them into a csv file.

I found that there is no option to map the key into an issue Id. That's to say, If my original jira id is "ABC-1254", it may end up with a different Id after import (may be ABC-5)

Is direct mapping possible?

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Jim Birch
Rising Star
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September 13, 2011

You can achieve this but it is messy. Requires Jira stop start and direct database access. I haven't tried this on a recent Jira version but I think it should be ok.

1. You need to have a continuous numerical set of issues in the csv. If these is any gaps, make fake issues and delete them later.

2. Stop Jira

3. Using a SQL tool, locate the last used issue number in the database for the project and set it to one below your issue. This must be higher than any existing issue. Can't remeber where this is now but consult the db schema doco. Check also whether the number is last used or next available.

4. Restart Jira

5. Read in your CSV data. This will now be added at ascending numbers from the number set in step 3.

Do the usual safety stuff like database backups before messing with SQL, and test process on a junk project.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 13, 2011

For step 3, the next issue number counter is on the Project table for the project you are importing it into.

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