How to have different field configurations within a project?

George Bettley January 25, 2021

Hi community,


I have a Project "Service Requests" and within that project I have different Issue types. 


Different Issue Types have different custom fields assigned to them. For some of the Issue types I want to have required fields that vary between types.


I have tried creating Field Configuration schemes and associating Issue Types to that, however in my Project all Issue Types are linked to the default.


Is it possible to use multiple Field Configuration schemes in one Project? If so, how do you set this up?

2 answers

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Noga Shemer October 26, 2022

The thread helped, thanks

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Mohamed Benziane
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January 25, 2021


In your field configuration scheme you cap map field configuration to an issue type, you can have different field configuration in you field configuration scheme.

Can you make sur the you project is using the correct Field Configuration scheme.

George Bettley January 25, 2021

Thanks Mohammed. So I've completed those steps before however in the Project I can only seem to choose one field configuration scheme, which is default. I want different configurations for different issue types within one Project. Is this possible please?Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 11.56.42.pngScreenshot 2021-01-25 at 11.58.34.png

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 25, 2021

You are confusing "field configurations" with "field configuration schemes" (a very easy mistake to make, I've never thought it was clear)

  • A "field configuration" is a list of all the fields, with flags to set their behaviour.
  • A "field configuration scheme" is a list of all the issue types, which tells a project which "field configuration" to use for each issue type in it

You only need one field configuration scheme, but that scheme can point to many field configurations. 

The minimal example is you create two field configurations; let's call them "FC - bugs" and "FC - everything else".  Set the flags you need for your different acting fields in those two.  Then create a field configuratin scheme (FCS), and tell it "by default, use 'FC - everything else' but for Bugs, use 'FC - bugs'".  Associate that with your project, and you'll find most of your issues behave in one way, and bugs are different.

George Bettley January 25, 2021

Thank you! That makes total sense, have finally worked it out. Appreciate it

Maria P. November 5, 2021

Hello @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- , 
thanks for your response it was helpful. 

But i m still facing an issue. 
So what I've done: 
I've created Field Scheme
Created new Field Configuraiton where i set the behavior i want
Associated the project with that Field Scheme 
More specifically: "Description" Field to be required for screen 1,2
And "Desc" field to be required for screen 3
While trying to create a task using screen 3, I get an error saying that Description is a mandatory field. 

Can you please advise? Ay idea of what I may be doing wrong? 

Thanks in advance, 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 5, 2021

Hi Maria,

I am not sure what you mean by "field scheme", but there's a deeper problem - you are guessing that Jira does "field on screen can be mandatory" via the field configurations.

This is the wrong assumption, it does not.

When you flag a field as mandatory in a field configuration, then the field is mandatory on the project/issuetype the field configuration applies to.  Screens are irrelevant, the field must be filled when you create an issue, and you cannot blank it out during an edit or transition.

Maria P. November 8, 2021

Hello @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- ,

Thanks for getting back to me. 

By "field scheme" i mean Field Configuration Scheme. 

So From what I can understand here, Per project we have issue type, for each issue type we have a specific Field configuration that applies to and a screen that is associated with that issue type: (Project > Settings > Issue types) as shown below: 

issue types.PNG

Question is :
How can i set different Field configurations per issue type? 

So for example :
I want for bug (issue type) to have Field configuration A
but for Story (issue type) i want to have Field configuration B



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 8, 2021

That is what the field configuration scheme does - it tells the project which field configuration to use for each issue type.

Maria P. November 8, 2021

@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- 

Question is :
How can i set different Field configurations per issue type? 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 9, 2021

You use a field configuration scheme.  They tell the project which field configuration to use for an issue type a project.

Maria P. November 9, 2021

@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- 

I want to have different issue types with different field configurations.

1. is this supported from jira ? 
1.a. Can you please guide me on how this can be achieved? (step by step )



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 9, 2021

I do not know how else to say that you use a field configuration screen - create a new one, edit an existing one, or copy one.  Then change it to tell the project what field configuration each issue type will use.

Maria P. November 10, 2021

I guess you mean field configuration Scheme and not screen. 

I understand the theory, what i need to know is the "Then change" part... HOW i will set field configuration for each issue type ... the steps i need to follow on jira.. on which page screen i need to go etc.
I think you don't get my question. But aw thanks for trying to help :) 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 10, 2021

Yes, I miskeyed when I repeated it for the third time.

The steps, to do it from scratch are what I've said already - create (or copy) a new field configuration scheme, set up the mapping for each issue type (it will always have a default one), then tell your project to use your new scheme.

I'm not going to try to walk you through every step, it's not going to help you learn.  Best thing to do is actually try it - click "create" in the field configuration scheme list and look at what Jira puts in front of you, reading all the options for the ones you want.

Maria P. November 10, 2021

Thanks for explaining the theory I already knew :) 

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