How to get ticket last update days in numeric format in new number field

Shanmukha Teja Badana August 9, 2022

For example, one ticket is not updated from past 5 days, so that the ticket last updated field should show value like 5d

2 answers

1 vote
Ste Wright
Community Leader
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January 14, 2023

Hi @Shanmukha Teja Badana 

Are you still looking for a way to do this?

If yes, you'd need some method to populate the field automatically - do you have either...

  • Automation installed on your instance? Or...
  • An App from the Marketplace, which provides options to automate/script fields?


0 votes
Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Atlassian Partner
January 18, 2023

Hi @Shanmukha Teja Badana

just to add to Stephen's answer, if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, this would also be easy to do in the app that my team is working on, JXL for Jira.

JXL is a full-fledged spreadsheet/table view that allows viewing, inline-editing, sorting, and filtering by all your issue fields, much like you’d do in e.g. Excel or Google Sheets. It also comes with a number of so-called “smart columns” that aren’t natively available, including "time since updated". This column can be displayed in different formats, including the number of days.

This is how it looks in action:


It's worth noting that JXL can do much more than that: From support for configurable issue hierarchies, to issue grouping, and conditional formatting. You can also export your data with just one click.

Since you've tagged your question for Jira Server: While Atlassian doesn't allow new apps to be listed for Jira Server in the Marketplace, JXL is still perfectly compatible; it's just that we need to generate a license for you. If the above looks interesting, just let me know and I'll happily start a free trial for you.

Hope this helps,



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