How to get the username of user log in JIRA?

Oriol Esplugas August 11, 2011


I'm new in this type of development in JIRA and I'm a little lost.

I'm trying to get the usermane of the member that is log in JIRA with JAVA code. I'm creating a customfield and I need to know this information.

¿Wich classes of JIRA I've to use?

¿Can anyone help me?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 11, 2011

An implementation of JiraAuthenticationContext can be autowired in to any bean you define in your plugin.

Once you have a reference to an implementation of this object you can call getLoggedInUser().


Oriol Esplugas August 11, 2011


Thank you! I do it!

I'm working with JIRA 3.13 and the object getLoggedInUser() d0esn't exist. I use the option getUser() and I get the username of the current user.


Rising Star
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August 14, 2013

Just to comment on this.

getLoggedInUser() is now deprecated. This question deals with the new way of getting the logged in user.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 11, 2011

Yep, that's clear. Matthew beat me to what I was about to say...

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Oriol Esplugas August 11, 2011

Sorry for my english is not good.

Yes I need the current user.

The function of the customfield is show you a list of users that are assign in a project and have the permission of Assignable. But only can see this customfield if they have the permission of Assign. This is why I need the current user to know if I have to hide the customfield or not.

¿Do you understand?

Thanks a lot

I don't know if I have explained correctly.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 11, 2011

>I'm trying to get the usermane of the member that is log in JIRA with JAVA code

Sorry, that doesn't make an sense. Do you mean you want the current user?

If that's the case, then there's several ways to do it, but it's best to use the most appropriate one for what you're doing and that can vary. What does your custom field need to do?

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