How to get filters to not include the JIRA tickets from another board

Edmond Dang July 30, 2021

Hi team,

I currently have one project. Within that one project, I have two different Kanban boards. I want one of the boards to be open to the public so that my colleagues can create a ticket when an issue arises.

On the other board, it should be a private board where only my small team can create tickets. The issue now is that the private internal board includes the JIRA tickets from our other board. How do I filter it so that it differentiates from the two? I have attached a screenshot for reference. The first one is the private board for internal uses and the second one is the public one for people to submit tickets.

Thank you!

Screen Shot 2021-07-31 at 12.40.18 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-07-31 at 12.41.26 AM.png



2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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July 31, 2021

Boards are not containers for issues, they are a view of a selection of issues.

They work off filters that select issues to display.

So, if you don't want to see a particular issue on a specific board, change the board filter so that it does not select the issues you don't want to see, or change the issues so that the are no longer selected by the board filter.

The main question here is going to be "how are you telling Jira that an issue is private or public?"  Once you can identify that, your filter amendments should be obvious.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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July 31, 2021

What displays on a board is defined by the underlying filter. Given you scenario I might suggest using a different issue type for your public issues then define the board filter accordingly. For example…

public - project = 123 and type = ‘public-task’

private - project = 123 and type != ‘public-task’

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