How to get epic field in new-gen style

We have some problems in new-gen Jira's webhooks. There is no info about epic in webhooks. In `classic`  style we can get epic link in `customfield_10013` and webhook with `create_issuelink` come after creating task which relates to some epic. Moreover in our board some groups are named as `Epic` but there is no info about it in their issues in REST API Get requests. How can we set epic field in new-gen Jira?

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Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2019

Hi Grigory,

The next-gen projects in Jira Cloud have been re-designed from scratch. This is why the relationship between certain issues (Epic - Story, for example) is not described in the same way as it is for classic projects. 

With that in mind, at this moment, it is not possible to see a field similar to Epic Link in the webhooks for a nex-gen project. In other words, it is not possible to find information about an issue's Epic from the webhook.

However, things are changing very fast in next-gen project so it might be that this situation will change in the future.

Warm regards,


Hi, Claudiu

thank you for feedback. Hope it will be added soon. Where can I ask to add this? In special conversation - chat room? Because it's very important and we can't understand it using hooks where epic link is. And what is epic in next-gen? Entity "epic" is not the same as "epic" in classic? 

And what means this field:
"customfield_10015": { "hasEpicLinkFieldDependency": false, "showField": false, "nonEditableReason": { "reason": "PLUGIN_LICENSE_ERROR", "message": "Portfolio for Jira must be licensed for the Parent Link to be available." } },
It means we should use some plugin to see epics?

If we move our issue from one epic to another in our board we don't get any information in webhooks that something has been changed. But in history we can see this:

issue.field.issueparentassociation11389 [ 11389 ]
What it means?

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I'm New Here
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April 27, 2020

Hey @Claudiu Lionte


Any news on this? 

Jason Immerman May 3, 2020

This now works with the parent field.

No webhook event is created when the parent field changes, though. I'm going to create a new form post for that.

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