How to get all ( I mean REALLY ALL ) statuses from REST API ?

Emre Toptancı _OBSS_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
April 30, 2019


This REST enpoint of Jira Cloud returns a list of all statuses associated with workflows. It does not include statuses that are not used in any workflow and more importantly it does not include statuses used in Next Gen projects.

How can I get a list all ALL statuses in the system?

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Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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April 30, 2019

Hello @Emre Toptancı _OBSS_ 

Here's the open ticket about status of next-gen project

Ability to Show the Status Id of next-gen project via REST API endpoint

And here's s possible work-around to getting statuses not assocaited with a active workflow

As currently the REST API returns statuses associated with active workflows.

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