How to find workflow properties projectrole - team-managed project

Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2024


Related to the workflow properties documentation, how would I find the projectrole? 

For context, I am hoping to limit a team-managed project's workflow to only allow the project admins to transition an issue during a certain status.

The documentation provides an example under the key jira.permission.comment.projectrole, with the value = 2, and the Use case mentioning "Only allow a user who has the projectRoleId of 2 to comment on an issue."

But where is the "2" coming from? When running the API on a project role, the ID is a 5 digit number so I figured it might be this - but no luck! Any ideas? Or other suggestions to meet this use case?

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Nick Haller
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2024

I may have figured this out after consulting with my team, but did want to share this publicly with the Community as I have not been able to find much about it.

Instead of using the ID found through the API, you can find the project role value needed for this workflow property through inspecting the page / reviewing the Network tab when switching a user's role. For example if I were to assign a user as a project admin in a team-managed project, the browser log shows this:



Which can then be entered into a status property to only allow project admins to transition an issue moving forward with something like this:


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