How to fetch date from custom field calendar control?

Ashish Sharma July 24, 2019

I'm trying to fetch the date from custom field control, however, in return I'm getting 'none' value. This is date control in which we have selected a date. We need to fetch a date from this custom control from JIRA issue using REST API.

I'm able to grab date from Due Date control, however, when I'm trying to fetch date from custom control then it returns 'none' value. Here is my code:

project_dates = jira.search_issues('project = XXXXXJ1XOX AND issuetype = "Task" AND text ~ "External" ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC')

print('due: ',[date.fields.duedate for date in project_dates])
print('forcast: ', [date.fields.customfield_10024 for date in project_dates])

The above code returns:

due: ['2019-03-20']
forcast: [None]

How can we fetch date from custom control? Is there some other way to grab the information?



1 answer

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David Gyarmati September 6, 2022

+1, having same issue. anyone able answer?

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