How to enter/edit the Version Start Date (onDemand instance)

David Hargreave
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November 17, 2011

I have created a number of versions (on demand version of Jira) and I cannot find any way to modify the start date.

The lack of a start date means the burndown charts move with the current date and do not reflect actual progress.

I tried to find any details on how to add, and found the link:

Unfortunately the "Add Version" link does not seem to exist on my instance of the On Demand Jira.

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Matthew Hunter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 17, 2011

Hi David,

I believe the issue is you're missing the 'Administer Projects' permission for the project you're trying to Add a version to - you need this permission in order to fully utilise Greenhopper. If you check out your permission scheme (Administration->Select your project->'Configure' next to JIRA->Click on the link to your permission scheme which is the second item from the bottom right) you'll see which group or role has the permission 'Administer Project'.

By default the group/role that can Administer Projects is is 'Project Role (Administrator)', so if you check the Project Roles (Administration->Select your project->'Configure' next to JIRA->Click 'More' under Project Roles in the top right) you'll see that by default this is empty. Add yourself or the Administrator group to that role and you should find the 'Add' button appears in GreenHopper and you'll be able to set a start date. :)



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