How to disable Priortiy field to view only (make it non editable)?

Kent Chiu
May 2, 2023


I have a request from the business unit to disallow editing/entering the Priority field during the issue creation or view screen.

The idea is the Priority field will be set based on the formula of two other custom fields.

Is it possible or is there a way to prevent users from editing/entering the Priority field in the creation screen and view/edit screen? I am able to create Workflow Post Functions using the ScriptRunner for Jira script to set the Priority. However, I don't know how to disable the Priority from editing or setting a value.

Thank you for your help.


1 answer

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Dave Mathijs
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May 2, 2023

Hi @Kent Chiu 

Split your screen into 3 screens:

  • Create issue screen (don't add the Priority field to this screen)
  • Edit issue screen (don't add the Priority field to this screen)
  • View issue screen (add the Priority field to this screen)

Make a screen scheme and map each issue operation to the correct screen.

You can you the screen scheme for one or more issue types (see issue type screen scheme).

Have the priority set via Automation based on the formula of the two other custom fields.

Kent Chiu
May 4, 2023

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your reply.

I did exactly what you suggested and it works! Really appreciate your help. The only caveat is it takes 1-3 seconds to get the Priority field updated and displayed the new value through the automation. But overall, it is acceptable.


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