How to customize column order on Dashboard Filter

ERIC TRZASKOS January 4, 2012

Hey all,

I've created a custom dashboard widget to include filter results (Adding the 'Filter Results' Gadget to your Dashboard)

Rather than use the default columns to display, I chose to add a few more. However, the columns display in the order in which they are shown in the drop down selection box. How do reorder chosen columns on the dashboard filter widget?

I see how you can customize column order for Filters, but that doesn't seem to affect how columns are ordered on Dashboard filters.

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Atlassian Team
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January 5, 2012

I've just looked at the code, and there appears to be no way to do this. There is a commercial third party plugin (free of charge) that does this -, or you could write one yourself, probably as a Speakeasy extension. Alternatively watch the issue at to see if the feature gets implemented.

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