How to create or customize the templates

Kumar R, Aktchaya September 28, 2024

Hi Team,

We are planning to track our issues/work in a ticket. So there will be a lot of request which will come to our team. And we decided to categorize the repeated issue and keep in a template by providing a particular name so that if next time we work on the same issue it will be easy that we will categorize and add the template which we kept for the same issue. So is there any method that where we can add/modify the templates on our own for the tickets which we work?


Aktchaya Kumar

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Chris Rainey
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September 28, 2024

Hi there,

To my knowledge, there is no native functionality to have templates for Jira issues. There's a note from Atlassian in this feature request, that hints at exploring a marketplace add-on for this functionality.

For convenience, I'll copy and paste that text below:

"Hi everyone,

As always, thank you for watching, commenting and engaging with us on this ticket. As you might be aware, we’ve gone through a recent re-balancing exercise here at Atlassian to better reflect operating in a changing and difficult macroeconomic environment. As part of the difficult decisions that have been made to prioritise the most critical work for our customers, we’ve had to put this work on pause for the next few quarters.

In the cases where Issue Templates will provide a suitable workaround - I’m aware of a number of apps (both free and paid) that offer the ability to create templates for different issue types. You can find them here:"



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