How to create graph that shows all opened bugs and the days since they were opened?

Reut Gabbay February 28, 2024


Ideally, I would like to create a dashboard that includes a graph that shows all opened bugs (by name or key) and the days since they were opened.

First, I created a filter that includes all open bugs.

Second, i created a dashboard.

What is the best gadget/way to use to make my ideal graph?

5 answers

1 vote
Atlassian Partner
March 6, 2024

Hi @Reut Gabbay 👋

I would like to recommend Time in Status add-on by SaaSJet.
To create a dashboard that includes a graph that shows all opened bugs (by name or key) and the days since they were opened, just simply: 

  1. Install add-on Time in Status
  2. Choose Entrance Date report 
  3. Configure dashboard by JQL project =[project name] AND issuetype = Bug 

Знімок екрана 2024-05-12 о 13.46.15.png

All add-on reports are available in this gadget and you can control time in status data in the Issue List or Chart View, so you can get this report as a chart:

Знімок екрана 2024-05-12 о 13.29.29.png

Add-on comes with a 30-day free trial version, free for up to 10 users and developed by my SaaSJet team.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
I hope this helps 😊

1 vote
Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 28, 2024

Hello @Reut Gabbay 

What would be the X axis and the Y axis for that graph? If you want to show the number of days open for each issue, it would see that one axis would be the number of days and the other would be the issue keys.

Jira does not have a native dashboard gadget that would give you that information. You might find a third party app that would provide that capability.

Alternately, you could use Automation Rules to calculate and record in a custom field in each issue the "days since opened". You could then present that information in the Filter Results native gadget as a list.

0 votes
Mehmet A _Bloompeak_
Atlassian Partner
March 5, 2024

Hi @Reut Gabbay

If you prefer to use a marketplace app, you can try Status Time Reports app developed by our team. It mainly provides reports and gadgets based on how much time passed in each status. You can get a table report of all opened bugs with days since they were opened.

Here is the online demo link, you can see it in action and try without installing the app. For your case, you can have a look at Lead Time for Each Issue and Cycle Time for Each Issue reports.

For further details, you can have a look at Status Time Reports How to Videos.

  • This app has a dynamic status grouping feature so that you can generate various valuable reports as time in status, time in assignee, status entry dates and status counts, cycle time and lead time, resolution time, average/sum reports by any field(e.g. average in progress time by project, average cycle time by issue creation month).
  • You can search issues by Project, Issue Type, Status, Assignee, Issue Creation/Resolution Date(and any other Date field) and JQL Query.
  • Status durations are calculated according to the working calendar you define. Once you enter your working calendar into the app, it takes your working schedule into account too. That is, "In Progress" time of an issue opened on Friday at 5 PM and closed on Monday at 9 AM, will be a few hours rather than 3 days.
  • You can set different duration formats.
  • You can export reports in CSV file format and open them in MS Excel.
  • You can also add this app as a gadget to your Jira dashboards and reach “Status Time” from Issue Detail page.
  • You can enable/disable access to Status Time reports&gadgets and Issue Detail page per project, users, groups or project role.

If you are looking for a completely free solution, you can try the limited version Status Time Reports Free.

Hope it helps.

0 votes
Gizem Gökçe _OBSS_
Atlassian Partner
March 1, 2024

Update on May 9th, 2024: Time in Status by OBSS was recently rebranded as Timepiece. It is still the same capable app with the same dedicated team behind it. The answer below mentions the app as "Time in Status" but you can find the app in the marketplace as "Timepiece (formerly Time in Status)". 


Hello @Reut Gabbay ,

If you are open to using an application specifically tailored to your needs, Time in Status which is developed by my team at OBSS, is the tool I would highly recommend. It is available for both Jira Cloud, and Data Center. 

Time in Status mainly allows you to see how much time each issue spent on each status or each assignee

By using a custom JQL filter when building your report, you can filter the open bugs (those which are not resolved) in your project and view the duration of those bugs since they were opened. The results can be viewed in both chart and reporting formats. Please refer to the screenshots below. The first shows the reporting view, and the second shows the chart view.

Report View:


Chart View:


The app calculates its reports using already existing Jira issue histories so when you install the app, you don't need to add anything to your issue workflows and you can get reports on your past issues as well. Time in Status reports can be accessed through its own reporting page, dashboard gadgets, and issue view screen tabs. Also you can export the reports in to various formats easily. 

Visit Time in Status to explore how our JIRA add-on can revolutionize your reporting process. Enjoy a 30-day free trial to experience the full range of features.

If you wish, you can also schedule a live demo. We will provide a comprehensive overview of the application and address any inquiries you may have.

Kind Regards,


0 votes
Danut M _StonikByte_
Atlassian Partner
February 28, 2024

Hi @Reut Gabbay,

Per my knowledge Jira does not have this capability. 

But, this can be easily done by using the WIP Aging Chart gadget offered by our Great Gadgets app. This is the complete solution for you. 

This gadget displays the issues from a filter or board by their age. 


All you have to do is to configure the gadget to use your filter, display the chart "by statuses", calculate the age as "The time since the issue creation" and to display the result in "Days".  You can also set a threshold if you want to easily identify the issues that took longer than expected (the ones in red color).

See also: 

Hope this helps.


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