How to create email notification for Sprints in JIRA?

Nicole Kucera
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December 27, 2017

How can I set up email notifications for sprints? (i.e. when issues/tasks are added or updated, bugs reported, etc.)


I've searched the FAQ and can't find anything (short of writing a script, but I'm not a dev..).


Thanks in advance! Happy holidays!

1 answer

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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December 27, 2017


There isn't anything for sprint notifications in general. One thing that you could do is create a filter subscription to notify on tickets updated within your Sprint. This would be the only way to get something with the base functionality. 

Alternatively is you wanted to pay some money for this, it looks like there are a couple of add ons that an accomplish this. I would recommend checking out these two plugins.

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