How to create an issue in complete mode?

guanlin_liang March 4, 2020

Hi, I used Jira to build up a business project.but in user-friendly aspect I met a problem in Creating issues.

未命名.pngWhen I pressed "create an issue" by clicking mouse, It would only show up a simple topic input  field.


But when I pressed "C", It would show up a complete issue creating interface :未命名1.png

How do I change the setting to creating an issue in complete mode by both clicking mouse  and pressing "C"?

PS: My another project can do this, and I did not know how I make it.

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Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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March 4, 2020

Hello @guanlin_liang ,

I noticed that you mentioned that your other project is in line with your expectations, which one is also a Business project? Or a software project?

guanlin_liang March 5, 2020

Yes, both of them are Business project. But only the one I modified most of the field  by myself (not preset) is in my expectation.

Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 6, 2020

Hi @guanlin_liang ,

Please modify the project field scheme, set at least one field as required,such as Description.

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