How to create a rule that will create a new task after the old one with a fixed deadline?

Maksim Fin March 20, 2023


Example: the task of renewing a subscription to a service. And each such task has a different deadline date. Is it possible to make only one automation rule that would open new tasks with their original deadlines but for the next year?

4 answers

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David Freitez
Rising Star
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March 20, 2023

Hi @Maksim Fin 

Thanks for providing the information, I created the rule you can see it in the attached images.



Kindly review the rule and let me know if you have further questions,


David Freitez
Rising Star
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March 20, 2023

Hi @Maksim Fin

Oh, I missed the part of when the task ends. So @Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket]  rule should work with your use case.


Maksim Fin March 21, 2023

Thank you! I used your rules plus @Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket] rules. May you explain me how I can clone assigned person and all labels in task too?

David Freitez
Rising Star
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March 21, 2023

Hi @Maksim Fin

Good to know that we could help.

When using the cloning action or the edit issue action, you can choose which fields to copy, there you can add the needed fields:





Maksim Fin March 22, 2023

Thank you! 

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Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket]
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March 20, 2023

Hi Maksim, 

Welcome to the community!

How do you like to create new tasks? do you want them to be created right after closing the old ones? and by original deadline do you mean you want to create new tasks with the same day and month but the year should be +1? example deadline 01-01-2022 should be 01-01-2023?

Maksim Fin March 20, 2023

Yep. It`s exacly my problem that I need to solve. I want automatically create same new task after closing old one with deadline +1 year(old 20/03/23 to new 20/03/23 as an example)

Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket]
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March 20, 2023

You can use something like this:



So your due date should be set to {{now.plusMonths(12)}}

I hope it helps

Maksim Fin March 21, 2023

Thank you! This really helped me. May I ask you about how I can add to this automation rule ability to clone assigned person and all labels in task too?

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David Freitez
Rising Star
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March 20, 2023

Hi @Maksim Fin

It should be feasible with an automation rule, so, when issue is created with deadline date (Due date), the rule should create a new issue with (help me out here):

  • duedate (priorly created issue duedate + 1 year)

Can you confirm that Is that the requirement?

After you confirm or make your comments, I'll try to create the rule and test it, then I'll show it to you (if feasible)



Maksim Fin March 20, 2023

Yep. It`s exacly what I need. When the task ends I need to automatically create same task with deadline +1 year. As example deadline 20/03/2023 to 20/03/2024

1 vote
Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 20, 2023

Hi @Maksim Fin 

Creating rules to solve problems and automate repeating tasks requires learning and experimentation.  It is good practice to first try to create a rule, and then ask for help if you run into challenges.

To get you started on creating your rules, please review this documentation and examples:

And if you run into problems with your rule, please post images of the rule, the audit log details, and describe how the rule does not work as you expect.  That will provide context for the community to offer suggestions.

Kind regards,

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