How to configure jira task that for users it wouldn`t offer to add automations or cheklists and etc.

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November 6, 2024


Please see in screenshot, what we want that wouldn`t be visible for others







How to configure jira task that for users it wouldn`t offer to add automations or cheklists and etc.

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Trudy Claspill
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November 7, 2024

Hello @Martynas 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

The Automation panel cannot be hidden. It does not enable users to add Automation, but rather only to view which automations have been executed recently against the issue.

Backlog Prioritization and Checklists appear to be panels provided by third party apps. You would need to review the documentation provided by the vendor to learn more about how those panels become visible in specific issue types and projects.

There is also a change request asking for more support in hiding panels from apps:

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