How to configure Workflow

Igor Tumarkin December 20, 2018

Hello all,

How and where I can correct configure the Workflow? (see screenshot, please).

2018-12-20 12_47_04-Changes in our Jira Workflow - Nachricht (HTML).png

Thank you and regards,


1 answer

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Christos Moysiadis
Rising Star
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December 20, 2018

Do you have an Administration access?

If yes :

  1. Go the Gear (icon) top right ->
  2. Issues (put password) ->
  3. choose Workflows (left bar) ->
  4. find the workflow that you want to change. 
  5. Make the changes 
  6. Make a backup of the workflow as promt (so you can revert it any time you want)
  7. publish it.

Of course there are some things more that should be discussed for example the Workflow Schema that is used. There are plenty documentation reports in Atlassian support . Feel free to look at them. 

NOTE: You should always make this changes to a test environment first and then migrate to a live system

If no:

  • Talk to your administrator :)

Best regards

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