How to combine specific issue keys to an issue type in EazyBI?

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November 7, 2018

I have 5 specific issues that I'd like to combine as a calculated member in the dimension of Issue Type. How can I do this?


I need something along the lines of:

JIRA-001, JIRA-002, JIRA-003, JIRA-004, JIRA-005


Thank you!

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Janis Plume _eazyBI_
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November 8, 2018



It is not possible to directly aggregate members of a dimension for another dimension. If you need to report on specific issues, you can create a new member in the Issue dimension, and then you get your number by combining this member with the Issue type dimension in the report.

The calculated member for the issue dimension would be like this:





Janis, eazyBI support

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