How to clear the resolution field when the issue is reopened from a Global Transition?

Michel Mony June 12, 2012

I've looked through Jira doc and questions here and have a variant question to this one:

How can I clear the resolution field when the issue is reoepened through a Global Transition?
I can't seem to find any way to set a post-function of any sort to Global transitions, and this prevents me from doing the easy steps mentionned in the attached thread.

Right now, it seems to me that this is impossible and that I should do multiple manual transitions within the workflow instead.

Can you pinpoint me to the info I've missed?



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Rising Star
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December 27, 2012

After you create a Global Transition in the Diagram Edit mode of your workflow, you should then switch to the Text Edit mode. You will be able to select the Global Transition there and add the required post functions. Just tested this in 5.2 and it works.

1 vote
Tansu Kahyaoglu December 27, 2012

Go to workflows tab from administration menu. Select the workflow you want. Download as XML. then open XML with your favorite text editor. Edit it, add post function to transition which you want. If you're not sure about the syntax, add that post function to any other transition and copy it later to Global transition.

Finally go to workflows on jira administration panel and click import from XML.

That should be the trick

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Michel Mony January 13, 2013

Thanks for the solutions.

I'll work this out internally, as I don't believe I have the text option...

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 13, 2012

have you gone into the post fuctions and selected "Update issue field" and then select 'Resolution" and set it to none? That will clear the resolution.

Michel Mony June 13, 2012

I would, but the Global Transitions don't seem to have the post-functions. That's pretty much the problem I'm facing.

That's mainly because these transitions don't appear in the workflow layout (any other way to reach Global transitions that I may not be aware of?).



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