How to change ticket details view?

Ian Walker January 16, 2019

Hello Everyone.

I have two JIRA boards.  On one board, when you click a ticket on the board, the ticket details appear on the far right-hand side of the screen in the same window.  However, on my other JIRA board, when I click a ticket, it open the ticket details in a new pop-up window in the same browser tab.

How can I switch the board that displays the ticket details on the far-right side of the screen to instead display the ticket details in a new window when clicked?


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Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

Hello @Ian Walker,

I found this. It might be useful for you.

And let me know if it works ;) 

Best regards,


Ian Walker January 16, 2019

Thanks @Jakub Hanak.  I just reversed the steps on that article and made sure the option under JIRA Labs was green (clicked), and that fixed the issue and it now displays properly.

Many thanks!

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