How to calculate the original committed feature and removed feature from PI

Yatiraj Sharma
November 15, 2024

Hi Team,

Have a specific ask to calculated how many features were originally committed for a PI (We have a custom field created to denote the PI) and how many delivered and how many removed from the PI.
Note: we dont have change of value for that field available and we are not having any plugins at this moment.
Is there any JIRA JQL we can look at it or in eazyBi if that is possible and we dont even have the Jira Align and can't go to it as of yet.

2 answers

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Alexey Pavlenko _App Developer_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
November 15, 2024

Hi @Yatiraj Sharma

Did you try the native Sprint Report?

Unfortunately, you won't be able to construct Committed Scope and Removed Scope metrics using JQL, since you need to interate over the history of each issue in a sprint. 

As for the Completed Scope metric, you can construct a JQL in this way

Sprint in (%SPRINT_NAME%) AND (statusCategory = Done OR resolution = Done)AND resolution date >= "%START_DATE_OF_SPRINT%" AND resolutiondate <= "%END_DATE_OR_COMPLETE_DATE_OF_SPRINT"

If you have ScriptRunner, you can construct the Removed Scope metric using 

issueFunction in removedAfterSprintStart("%BOARD_NAME%", "%SPRINT_NAME%")

As you can see, these JQLs should be maintained manually.

If you wouldn't like to maintain it manually, but get all in one solution and you are open to paid apps, you can try the app I have developed - Multi-team Scrum Metrics & Retrospective.


It has all the predefined Scrum metrics and allows you to write custom metrics without needing to maintain them manually. Additionally, it allows you to retrospect these metrics in-place.

It supports Scaled Frameworks such as SAFe, LeSS, SoS, etc. It allows to make comparison between periods, teams, or groups of teams, e.g., Team 1 and Team 5 as one entity versus Team 3 and Team 4 as another.


Best regards,

0 votes
Oskars Laganovskis
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 15, 2024

Hi @Yatiraj Sharma,

As for eazyBI - you would need to import the change history for the relevant fields.

If PI is a single-select customfield, you might enable the change import by adding extra settings in import options.

you might read more about that here -

However, the great flexibility of Jira allows a multitude of ways to build your workflows.

Therefore, each activity on features needs a bit more explanation to see how to calculate that.

What denotes the feature being committed to PI, and what denotes the removal and the delivery?


Oskars / eazyBI support

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