How to automatically link an existing epic to an issue when created?

jiratickets March 27, 2024

I want to create an automation rule that moves an issue to an exisitng epic when that issue is created. I am unsure on the steps to do so? Is it even possiible?

3 answers

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Ste Wright
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March 30, 2024

Hi @jiratickets 

This can be done via Automation - the rule would look something like this...

  • Trigger: Issue created
  • Condition: Issue fields condition
    • Field = Issue Type
    • Condition = is not one of
    • Value = Epic, Sub-task
  • Action: Edit issue
    • Field = Parent
      • Value = <insert Epic's issue key here>


This rule does assume the Epic is the same each time though - is it?

If not, how would you identify the Epic from the child issue created?


jiratickets April 2, 2024

Hi Stephen, 

Thanks for the help. So we have an Power Automate flow in place which creates jira tickets based on user requirements. The Jira tickets would be created by a single account, i.e., the reporter field will be same for automated Jira tickets. 

In Jira Automation, adding reporter=x in condition, for every ticket with reporter "x", the jira ticket should be linked to a specific Epic "y" all the time. So we don't need to identify the epic. I guess if we need to identify different epics, we will have to break the condition into different paths with different conditions. 

However, this was the requirement. Thanks for you help, it works as needed.


0 votes
John Funk
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March 28, 2024

Hi @jiratickets  - How will it know which issue to use as the Epic? 

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 3, 2024

Hi @jiratickets  - Any update? 

0 votes
Khalid [Jaanga] March 27, 2024


It's definitely. possible, you can use edit issue and change the Parent field to the Epic you want.

It should be straight forward.


jiratickets April 2, 2024

Hi Khalid, 

Thanks, I am new to Jira automation so was a bit confused. 

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