How to auto assign a ticket based on the object taken from assets?

Yousif Al Rawahi May 26, 2024

There is a custom field (assets object field) called 'Resignee' where the data is taken from assets (objects), each object includes name, ID, department, manager...etc. When I create a ticket and select reporter 'Yousif Al Rawahi', the resignee field will be shown as Yousif Al Rawahi with his information (by automation rule):

Screenshot 2024-05-27 102418.png


Now I want to do with the assignee, based on Yousif Al Rawahi's manager, I want to assign this ticket to the manager when the ticket is created (by automation rule). Is it possible?

FYI: manager is a 'User' type:


Screenshot 2024-05-27 103213.png

1 answer

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Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
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May 27, 2024

@Yousif Al Rawahi yes that is totally possible:

  1. You will need to listen issue created trigger
  2. Add Lookup objects action to find your asset user object (which in this case should be Yousif Al Rawahi)
    1. Schema -> select the schema which your user objects are stored
    2. Query -> use a query to compare your Resignee with the user object in the asset scheme eg. Name like "{{}}"
  3. Add Assign issue action
    1. set Select a user to {{lookupObjects.Manager}} smart value

Hope it helps!

Yousif Al Rawahi May 27, 2024

The automation status is successful, but it is not assigned, it says 'Issue was already unassigned'

Screenshot 2024-05-27 150921.png



Screenshot 2024-05-27 151130.png

Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
Community Leader
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May 28, 2024

@Yousif Al Rawahi your query in the lookup object is wrong, it should be something similar to

 Name like "{{}}" 

If it doesnt work what is the output of

Name like "{{}}"  if added in a log action? is Yousif Al Rawahi  object under IT assets? Can you share a screen shot from Resignee custom field configuration?

Yousif Al Rawahi May 28, 2024

In the log action it displays as my name.

It still doesn't work, it says 'Issue was already unassigned' when assigning an issue.


Resignee configuration:


Screenshot 2024-05-28 123445.png

Yousif Al Rawahi May 28, 2024

What is the purpose of adding Name Like in lookup objects?


I have used {{lookupObjects.Manager}} in log action, it gives me and empty result. It could be an issue from {{lookupObjects.Manager}}.  


Screenshot 2024-05-29 092048.png

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