How to approve a JIRA through email

krishnakanth_av February 26, 2018


I want to know how to approve a JIRA through email without opening/logging in to the JIRA, for example I access my mail box through smart phone and I just want to approve the JIRA just by clicking the button in the JIRA or just sending the email reply as "Approved", it should get reflected in the JIRA. Please let me know how to achieve this?




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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2018


I think the feature you are referring to here is Approvals through a Jira Service Desk project.  Out of the box, there is not a means to do this automatically.

However if you review the last section of Setting up Approvals, there is a section called 'Auto-approve requests'.  This section explains how you can use Service Desk Automation to automatically set an approval when certain conditions are met.  Using this I believe that you could, as an approver, send back a reply message to the ticket with a particular phrase, like 'approved'.   You could then create an automation rule to approve this issue on your behalf.

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