How to add same customfiled multiple times on same screen

Ramesh Udari1 June 30, 2011


we have requirment to show same custome filed multiple time on same screen based on check box selection.

How can we do this,please do the need full.

Thanks in advance.



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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June 30, 2011

You don't - a field should only ever appear once on a screen, and Jira doesn't support you duplicating fields. It's bad for the humans because it's confusing - we don't like it when we enter data in a field and it overwrites what we've got in another, especially without telling us.

Ramesh Udari1 June 30, 2011

Hi Nic,

Thanks for respond on this.

If it is not possible , is there any way to chage the label of the customfiled on create and view screen?

Please do need full on this.



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