How to add input fields to "Add Comment" screen

August 22, 2011

We want to track the amount of time spent working on issues. To that end, we would like to add a "Time Spent" field to the screen for adding comments to tickets.

I found an "Add Comment" screen which is associated with all of our screen schemes and workflows, so I added a "time Tracking" tab and added the "Log Work" field to that. But when I try to add comments I still only ever see the comment field.

How can I add custom fields to the Add Comment screen? Thanks!

1 answer

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Colin Goudie
Rising Star
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August 22, 2011

You can't. At least when you just press the Add Comment button. The Add Comment screen would need to be shown when transitioning the issue through a workflow state.

You could probably write a plugin that used Javascript to add a time tracking field and use the REST API to post updates that way (from the add comment dialog).

Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 22, 2011

I agree with Colin. You can't do this with the Add Comment button. However, I think you're confusing two things: there's a "Comment" issue operation, and I think you might have an "Add Comment" transition screen that gets displayed during a workflow transition. The issue operation should be under 'More Actions' or maybe just 'Comment' on your screen. If you're working with a transition view, you can add new fields to it:

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