How to add hyperlink which is not web address in description field?

Project Leader November 1, 2023

Our team use PREEvision(automotive architecture develop software) and I would like to add PREEvision item hyperlink in Jira issue.


PREEvision can make hyperlink of each item like below.

8682711554621100000-10146 - Code Beamer Sub Task (Ticket)


However, when I copied this hyperlink to description field of issue, hyperlink was not applied and it was pasted as normal text type.


How to add non web page address type hyperlink in description field?


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Atlassian Team
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November 2, 2023

Hello @Project Leader , 

Welcome to the community!

You can make the Description field as "Wiki Style Renderer" by following the steps: 

Go to Gear button > Issues> Custom Fields > Search for "Description" > Click on  Renderers and select "Wiki Style Renderer" from the drop-downScreenshot 2023-11-02 at 3.23.56 PM.png

This solution should meet your needs. If it addresses your issue, please accept the answer. This could benefit a wider audience who might be seeking solutions for similar scenarios.

Have a nice day! 

Project Leader November 7, 2023

When I search "Description" in Custom fields, I can not find anything.


Screenshot 2023-11-08 131904.png

Project Leader November 7, 2023

Also there isn't "action" column like your screean.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 133835.png

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