How to add a task to an epic?

Test-user July 31, 2019

I see this question has been asked before. However, when I click the three dots in a task, I don't see "add to epic" or "add to parent".

Why not? When I create an epic, there is an option to add a new task. However, I want to a add an existing one.

I must mention that I am using Jira Business with a project management template, which does not have the epic type by default. I manually added the epic-type under Issue Type Schemes,

2 answers

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Test-user July 31, 2019


I don't know what you mean with ellipses. I ended up in the Custom Field settings (jira settings > issues > custom fields).

There I see the Epic Link feature you mentioned. I don't know what to do with it, though. It has a Locked label next to it. In the Issue Types column, it says "global".

When I click on the three dots next to it, I get this information:


  1. Issues

  2. Search Jira admin
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Configure Custom Field: Epic Link LOCKED

Below are the Custom Field Configuration schemes for this custom field. Schemes are applicable for various issues types in a particular context. You can configure a custom field differently for each project context or in a global context. Moreover, project level schemes will over-ride global ones.

Default Configuration Scheme for Epic Link

Default configuration scheme generated by Jira
Applicable contexts for scheme:
Issue type(s):
Global (all issues)
Default Value:

Error rendering 'gh-epic-link'. Please contact your Jira administrators.

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Jack Brickey
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July 31, 2019

One possibility is that you are on cloud and you are using the new issue view. If so then you need to add "Epic Link" to your layout. You can add as a primary or secondary field.

  1. Click on ellipses
  2. click configure
  3. add the field where desired
  4. edit the issue you want to add to an epic
  5. select the Epic link field and fill it in (if it is a secondary field you need to click "show more" first)
Jack Brickey
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July 31, 2019

Please keep your replies w/in the answer thread by using Reply vs. Answer.

The ellipses are in the upper right of the view issue screen. You referred to them in your original question as the "three dots".


Carolina Waizani
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October 19, 2023

I'm not able to find the field epic in the task fields after clicking configuration and If i click go to custom fields, I'm not able to associate the field with my project created in Jira Business with a project management template. There are issues using this template?

Jack Brickey
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October 19, 2023

Hi @Carolina Waizani ,

this is a rather old thread to post, in which limits the number of folks that see it. Nonetheless, if you are using a business project (JWM) then you first need to ensure that you have added the epic issue type to your project. This can be done under project settings > Issue types. Next you can create an epic and then use the Epic Link field in your task to associate to the epic.

Carolina Waizani
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October 27, 2023

After creating the epic, I can create tasks, stories,...

The problem is that inside the story, task I'm not able to add the epic link or epic name as a field tobe clear for the developers. I can do that in my other projects but not using the project management template because is locked. 

Jack Brickey
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October 27, 2023

Feel free to create a new post to get more eyes on your question. In your post please share screenshots for the following:

  • An issue detail view where you want to add epic link
  • Project settings > issue types screen
  • project settings > screen layout for the screen used to view/edit the Issuetype where epic link is desired
Victoria Houen
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November 8, 2023

Have you tried this?
Open the task.

Top left corner - Add Epic?

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 6.41.20 pm.png

Jack Brickey
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November 9, 2023

Hi @Victoria Houen , of note that is for  TMP project. For CMP you need to expose the Epic Link field. However, this too will change in the no too distant future as they move away from epic link in favor of "parent".

Victoria Houen
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November 9, 2023

I see, thank you. I did look for the clarification of project type but must have missed it. 

Thank you

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