How to add a project to Default Notification Scheme Jira ?

Oday Rafeh
Rising Star
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October 25, 2023

Hi There, 

I want to add a project to the Default Notification Scheme because all the edits are there and I see a difference between the project setting in the wanted project to change and also in the other projects that are already added to the scheme. 


here is the photo from the added projects : 

Old project - added one.png

and here is the new project that is not added yet : 

New not added.pngthe difference is that in the first photo, I can use action and then add a new scheme but with the new photo that is not available and I didn't find out why that happened, so please any help with someone who had the same situation before. 

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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October 25, 2023

Hello @Oday Rafeh 

Your first image is from the Project Settings > Notifications page for a Company Managed project.

Your second image is from the Project Settings > Notifications page for a Team Managed project.

Company Managed projects use Schemes for a variety of configurations (Notifications, Permissions, Workflows), and a Scheme can be used by more than one Company Managed project.

Team Managed projects do not use the same configuration Schemes that are available for Company Managed projects.

Each Team Managed project is designed to be a stand-alone project. It can be customized without impacting other projects. Team Managed projects cannot share configurations with other projects.

So, you will not be able to use the Notification Scheme from the first image for a Team Managed project. And you cannot share the Notification settings of one Team Managed project with another Team Managed project. You must configure the Notifications of each Team Managed project individually.

Oday Rafeh
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 26, 2023

@Trudy Claspill Thanks for the explanation, I found this yesterday and I am working now somehow to change the team-managed project to a company-managed one, Do you have any ideas here I would appreciate it 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 26, 2023

Hello @Oday Rafeh 

You cannot change a Team Managed project to a Company Managed project. You have to make a new Company Managed project and move the issues from the Team Managed project to the Company Managed project.

Data may be lost when you move the issues. Review this documentation on the topic.

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