How to add a Status in Backlog Board

Gnanabaskar March 27, 2022


I have a requirement where in Scrum board-> Backlog, I need to have a new status "refined" which should be visible along with Backlog. How to achieve it?.




2 answers

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
Community Leader
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March 27, 2022

Hi @Gnanabaskar 

In a Scrum Board - the Backlog tab is split into two parts:

  • Sprints - Active/Future
  • Backlog - anything not in a Sprint

Natively, it's not possible to "split" the Backlog section into multiple sections or lists, if that's what you're looking to do.


Your options include...

  • Card Layout: Add Status to the cards in the Backlog view, so you can see which Status they're in
  • Quick Filters: Add quick filters per Status, which you can then use to limit and view Issues from the Backlog tab, in one specific Status
  • Card Colours: Add card colours per Status (using Queries option) - which you can refer to from the Backlog view


I have also seen some teams who...

  • Add an extra "future sprint" just above the Backlog - almost like a "priority" section
  • Use Automation to move Issues from the Backlog to this other section, when in a specific Status (and not already in an Active/Future Sprint)

^ It's not an ideal solution, but sort of achieves what you're looking for - assuming "Refined" is above the Backlog itself.


Let us know if any of these work for your need!


0 votes
Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
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March 27, 2022

Hi @Gnanabaskar 

If I understand you correctly in your scrum board when you go to Backlog, you want it to show only issues in backlog and refined or you mean you have a dedicated board called Backlog and here you want this board to show only issues in Backlog and Refined statuses?


Do help clarify the above.

For the former this isn’t possible because anything which isn’t in an active sprint will stay in Backlog.

As for the other you can achieve this by:

  • Add your Refined status to your workflow,
  • Update your board filter asking it to show issues in Backlog and refined (and Status In (backlog, refined))
  • Update the board and add the Refined status to a column so that this is displayed.

Before applying any of the suggestions do first clarify if I understood your requirements correctly and which it is

Gnanabaskar March 27, 2022

Hi @Ismael Jimoh ,

I want to see Refined status ( already added to workflow) along with backlog in this screen. A separate section for Refined similar to backlog in this screen.


Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 27, 2022
  • Click configure board
  • Go to columns 
  • Add a new column and map the refined status to the new column.
Gnanabaskar March 27, 2022

@Ismael Jimoh ,

Board setting .jpg

I have add a column already, Both Backlog & Refined Statuses should be displayed in BACKLOG Screen. 

1. If we create a new issue , It will be in backlog first

2. From Backlog It should be transitioned to Refined status

So both the status should be visible in the same page or screen.

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