My team utilizes the sprint burndown chart to track progress. We recently added a column to our sprint board labeled "Maintain" - for something that we want to count as "done" but that we still may need to go back and make edits to from time to time.
I have labeled this column as a "done status" column in the edit workflow area of the project settings. But the sprint burndown doesn't recognize it as "done".
Is there a way for the sprint burndown chart to recognize more columns as "done" so that the red line on the chart goes down when I put a task in our "maintain" column? Or does the sprint burndown chart only recognize the pre-defined "done" column made by Jira?
I attached a picture to show that the "maintain" status is labeled the same as the "done" status in my workflow.
Hi @McKenna Hogan,
Welcome to Atlassian Community!
Is this new column the furtherest column to the right on the board, or is Done still it? The board will only consider issues that is in the furtherest right column as done. If you have multiple statuses that should be considered as done, as in your use case, then you have to link Maintain to the column instead of having it as a separate column.
Thank you so much for your help. By "link" do you mean creating one column and naming it "maintain / done" or is there a way to link these when I edit the workflow (such as a transition) so they can stay as two separate columns?
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Each column can hold multiple statuses, it doesn't have to be a 1-to-1 mapping. Go to Board settings > Columns and from here you move your statuses to different columns.
There is no linking other then the column, so in order for the board to consider Maintain as a done status (this is different from the status category) it has to be in the furtherest right column.
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Adding to this, saying the same thing in a slightly different way...
The Sprint Burndown (and sprint completion) will consider only the issues in the one column farthest to the right to be "done". It doesn't matter what the actual status value is, only that the Status is mapped to that farthest right column.
You can have multiple status mapped to one column. That would mean "Maintain" and "Done" status issues would both be in the column farthest to the right. The burndown would burn down the issues in both statuses.
However, when the Complete the sprint the issues in the Maintain status would be considered complete. They would not move to the next sprint or the backlog. You would no longer see them on the board after sprint completion.
And, lastly, it is not possible to make the sprint burndown pull data from multiple columns to decide when to burn down the work.
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Hi @McKenna Hogan,
This might not be possible with Jira's gadget or report. As far as I know, it considers as done only the statuses mapped on the last column of the board.
But a quick solution would be to use the Sprint Burndown Burnup Chart gadget offered by our Great Gadgets app.
This gadgets let's you set custom done statuses, so you will be able to specify your Maintain and Done statuses.
The gadget can also display a Data tab with a detailed sprint report, which will consider the done statuses that you added.
It offers also Velocity Chart and Release Burndown Chart gadgets that support custom done statuses, so you will get a complete solution.
See more about this gadget in this article: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/App-Central/8-gadgets-for-a-powerful-Scrum-dashboard-in-Jira/ba-p/1683063
You could start with a 1-month free trial. If you have questions, please contact us at support@stonikbyte.com.
Hope this helps.
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