How make automatic completion of fields on the Create an issue in the epic screen ?

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April 22, 2024

Hi, community! 

Tell me how can I implement pre-filling fields with values ​​from the epic when creating a “task in the epic”?

As I understand it, the best solution would be "Behavior"? Or maybe there are some ready-made solutions?

Any help is important. Thank you!

Best regards, Alex!

2 answers

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NTAMEN NTANMI luc landry April 22, 2024

Hello @Alex  a simpler solution would be to use an automation rule

A question is the task created manually?

If so, you will only have to create a creation screen for the tasks with a single element which is the obligatory summury natively in Jira.

then you will create a rule which is triggered when a task is created and modifies the task by reporting information from the parent Epic to it

good luck my friend

0 votes
Olliver Ordell April 22, 2024

If I understand your question correct, you want to pre-populate fields when creating a task, with the information from the parent-Epic?

I don't think there is a way to do that in the "Create issue screen", but I have a similar use-case in my team, and the way I solve it is the following:

I have an automation that triggers every time the "Parent"-field changes. It then checks to see if it's a valid ticket type and so on, and then copies the relevant data from the Parent (Epic) to the ticket.
You can also set it up to trigger on creation of tickets.

Hope it helps.

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