How do you modify the Original Estimate?

Phil Harman May 14, 2020

Use Case is .. Issues are being created with the "Original Estimate" left blank and put into the "To Do" status.  Our staff picks up the ticket, assigns to them-self and wants to add the "Original Estimate" as part of the status transition to "In Progress".  Then they begin logging work against the ticket until they move it into the "Done" status. 

Permission scheme set for this project is "Any logged in user" can "Edit Own Worklogs" and "Work on Issues". 

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Thorsten Letschert _Decadis AG_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 14, 2020

Hi @Phil Harman ,

assuming you're using a classic project, please do the following:

I hope this matches your scenario.


Phil Harman May 17, 2020

Yes, I am using classic project.  I understand what you have provided.  But I need to expand my Use Case to communicate our exact situation. 

Use Case addition details ...

  1. Tickets are create with no thought put into estimate. These are in our Backlog Scrum board.
  2. Scrum planning meeting occurs, where the team needs to add their estimates.
  3. Once Scrum scope and commit is decided, we start the sprint and tickets get moved into "In Progress" as they are worked on. 

How can we edit the original estimates without doing a status transition? 

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