How do you filter on future sprints?

Patricia Chismar
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August 2, 2013

GreenHopper questions: I need to create a filter of all issues assigned to a team and are in future sprints that are not active yet. What is the cammand to filter on future sprints?

4 answers

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Mark Symons
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August 4, 2013

When Greenhopper v6.3 is released then you'll have access to a new futureSprints() JQL function.

That should address the limitation of using openSprints(s) that was pointed out by Whyves.

I do not know when GH v6.3 will be released.... but I am guessing "pretty soon".

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Yves Riel _Okapya_
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August 4, 2013

You can filter sprints by using openSprints() and closedSprints(). For example, the JQL query would be:

AND Sprint in openSprints()

But that will also include the issues in the current sprint, not only the "future" sprints but you could also add another portion to the JQL query to ignore the current sprints.

Rising Star
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August 4, 2013

That doesn't include sprints that are not started.

0 votes
Ruiz_ Preston August 4, 2013

In the meantime, you can add a label to each story and then create a filter for that label. You'll just need to remove the label after each new sprint starts. Obviously it's a manual process, but it may nto be too bad (depending on how many items you have for your future sprints).

Also, have you tried using the "Release" tag for your issues? If so, you should be able to create a filter that looks at all of the items that are within that release that are not in progress or closed (which should eliminate the previously completed sprints and the current sprint).

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Rising Star
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August 4, 2013

Bearing in mind that closedSprints() is quite broken, ie "not in closedSprints()" doesn't return issues that have no sprint defined...

A possible solution is:

project = SCA and sprint is not empty and issueFunction not in inSprint ("Some board name", "Backlog")

But you need to install the script runner plugin, and you need to provide the name of a scrum board to the function.

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