How do i search all issues with specific type with label empty or not specific label

Ahmed Alghamdi April 30, 2019

so the requirement is easy

i want to see all user stories that have an empty label. OR have labels other than "ASIS". when i put this query, i get so many issues (user stories and tasks, bugs..etc) also i get issues from other projects!! why? the filter clearly state it should belong to story and to specific project but result shows otherwise


project = MOBILE AND issuetype = Story AND labels is EMPTY or labels != ASIS

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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May 1, 2019

Add parentheses...


project = MOBILE AND issuetype = Story AND (labels is EMPTY or labels != ASIS)

Ahmed Alghamdi May 2, 2019

it worked! thanks a lot champ!

0 votes
Ahmed Alghamdi May 1, 2019

any help guys :)

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